Monday, November 15, 2010

Random Catch Up

Justin showing off some gymnastics skills to his baby bro. Now THIS is how you play with your new toy Nathan. Nathan watching with delight, because everything his big brothers do is amazingly fantastic!

We were dog sitting this past week/weekend for a friend's adorable little dog Logan. The bigger boys definitely miss our dog. They fought over who could walk him, feed him, brush him. Logan got alot of attention. Even Nathan enjoyed the dog, after he got over the initial shock of what the furry thing walking around was. It was so nice having a dog in the house again. Something we definitely want to persue in the Spring.

Justin is learning to play darts. After years of begging Justin's Pa finally relented, and let Justin use the real darts. Justin got a bullseye! He is very proud of himself and his new sport!!! I shudder to think of him with a sharp object being thrown at anything. Yikes. What happens at Nana and Pa's house, stays at Nana and Pa's house.

Nathan in the garden.

Evan in his show and tell paper airplane hat for H week at school. He was really proud of his creation!

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