Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oh! The Places You Will Go and Grow!!!

I've been to the doctor's office more than I care to be, in the last few days. The good news is Nathan seems to be on the mend of his cold/cough. He weighed in at a whopping 20.8 lbs when he went last week. Im very impressed, he has come a long way from 4lbs 6oz, his lowest weight at birth. Our chubby baby Justin weighed 22.8 lbs at one year old. Evan weighed 21.9 lbs at one year old. So, all in all, Nathan is not that far behind!!! Go Nathan.

Speaking of weight and growth, Justin had his 7 year appointment at the doctor this week. He is 38.5 inches tall and 39 lbs. Almost square!!! Hee hee. He was slightly above average for height and just below average for weight. He had a perfect check up!!!

Nathan has been walking everywhere lately. His latest favorite thing is to carry things while he walks. He is quite proud of himself.
Justin got his first 1st grade report card this past week. It was fabulous! We also had a conference with his teacher. He is an excellently behaved little boy at school and his teacher tells us he is an extremely hard worker and good listener. She says he excels at math (which we all knew) and is making great gains with his reading! He loves school too, which above all else is the most important thing to us. His teacher this year is such a wonderful woman, we are having the best experience at his new school this year!
Today is the last day before Thanksgiving vacation. The kids are eagerly awaiting Thanksgiving, Nathan's birthday and putting up the Christmas tree after Thanksgiving! Many more pictures to follow in the coming exciting days....

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