Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Nathan!!!

Some pictures of Nathan celebrating his birthday which happened to fall on Thanksgiving this year. Nathan, who is allergic to eggs and milk, had his very own special giant cupcake (whose ingredient list are short and sweet to include chocolate one cake mix and one diet coke can - yum it is not) made lovingly by his Nana. He didnt know what to make of the cake and candle and was at first in awe and then very happy as we all stared at him and sang Happy Birthday. AND THEN. Oh my. Im sure he wondered why mommy and daddy stripped him naked to feed him something very sweet and very messy. And equally perplexing was the fact that no one seemed to mind when he got that food all over him, the tray of his high chair and the floor. It was such fun!!!!
I can't believe that a year has gone by already. Its been a very wonderful but very tiring year. Nothing about Nathan's baby days were very relaxing or fun. Constant worry about weight gain, germs and potential complications from his very scary arrival pretty much overshadowed alot of his first year. If I wasnt thinking about the latest cold the kids were bringing home, then it was how much he was gaining and eating, or if he was hitting his milestones. (Add to everything moving a household with three children!) But, now, I feel like we can relax a bit, breathe a little, and while there are certainly no guarantees in life, I feel like one year makes things feel more certain and we can enjoy our beautiful little miracle child. This truly was a birthday to celebrate!!!

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