Saturday, November 20, 2010

Around the House

I love looking out the window in the mornings, overlooking our yard. I never stop appreciating our land. We are so lucky. And I never know what Im going to see out there. Ive seen three deer together grazing and on a separate occassion this turkey eating our birdseed!! Evan wanted to catch him, to EAT him. That sounds like something I would do right?! NO. I managed to get a picture of him though, before he went running surprisingly fast into our woods.

We have all been sick with colds around the house. I started it all a couple weeks ago. Im afraid I didnt manage to keep it to myself either. First Evan, then Nathan. Justin and G rarely ever get sick, so its not a surprise they managed to miss out. Poor Nathan has been just miserable this week. I brought him to the doctor on Friday just to check and make sure he didnt have something more serious. Luckily its just a really bad cold. The good news is that he now weighs over 20 pounds!!!! I was thrilled to say the least. What a long way we have come from 4 lbs.

We have been in the house all week aside from school and a few trips to the store for supplies. We are going a bit stir crazy around here. Evan gets a bit silly when stuck in the house for a long time. He decided he was going to dress in his brother's clothes. Nathan's!!! Backwards!!! Quite the silly boy.

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