Saturday, June 16, 2012

Videos This Month

This is an amazing video of Evan jumping rope.  Quite possibly the best thing I've seen since his bike riding a couple months ago.  The kid is surprising me all the time these days.  Because of all the progress he has been making on his own we decided to take a break from PT for awhile this summer, and see how Evan does.  I want him to enjoy his time off this summer, before he starts full day first grade in the Fall, and the real hard work begins.

This video sums up the relationship that exists between Nathan and Justin 80% of the time.  I particularly find it amusing that Justin doesn't even look in Nathan's direction when demanding: "don't you dare".  Sigh.  Justin is NOT a baby or toddler fan, at all.

This is a video of my three boys and their cousin Andrew having a tickle/wrestle match during a playdate the other day.  Boys.

 A friend of mine and I dragged all our kids to the bookstore to escape a very rainy day.  It was a change of scenery from the library we tend to frequent.  The boys enjoyed the different books there.  Nathan really liked this book about dogs.  Here he is talking about the pictures in the book.  He just loves books.

A video of Evan and his friend on the same bookstore trip looking at a book together.  Very sweet.

The boys have been really into playing baseball in the backyard since the official team season is over.  Evan especially loves batting and catching.  That kid, he has some swing on him!  I got hit by a ball that I pitched to him, just a wiffle ball, and it left a red welt on my leg through my shorts.  At the end of the year party for tball the coach pulled me aside afterwards to tell me what an arm Evan has on him and how great he hits.  He asked me if Evan would be playing Rookie next season, and told me that he wanted him on his team again!  That was nice to hear.  Evan has such enthusiasm for the sport, its wonderful to see, even more so than his skill, I enjoy his love of the game.

Justin jumping rope.  He is quite good!!!

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