Tuesday, June 19, 2012

School's Out for Summer

Its hard to believe another school oyear is over.  Our second in our beloved "new" town.  I can't fathom how much the boys have changed since their first and last days of school.  Im posting the first day of school pictures with the last day of school pictures,, as proof of how in the blink of an eye my boys are growing and changing.

Especially Evan, my sweet boy has shed his young look and is now a big boy.  He looks so much older than when he began school last August.  I am so proud of how much he has changed academically as well.  He brought home a glowing report card showing all the hard work and dedication he has given kindergarten.  We are so very proud of Evan.

Justin too brought home a wonderful report card.  Justin's teacher raved about his math skills, Justin has such a math brain, we look forward to seeing what he does with all that talent in the future!  What the pictures dont show here is how much Justin has grown this year - I venture to guess at least 2 inches since the Fall.  He is tall and as skinny as ever!  

 We are looking forward to the summer and getting together with friends, going on adventures, relaxing in our pool, harvesting our garden and just having some fun and a break from all the routines of school for awhile!!!

I cannot believe in the Fall I will have a Third and First grader!!!

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