Saturday, June 9, 2012

All those flower vases

Many years ago when G and I got married we received quite a few flower vases as wedding gifts.  We were living in an apartment at the time.  Never one to spend money on flowers at a store, I personally think the beauty of several day flowers does not outweigh the price for store-bought flowers, those vases collected dust in our closets.  Then we moved into our first home, which had the world's tiniest yard.  Living on less than a quarter of an acre of land, I wasn't out gardening or growing flowers to cut and put in our vases.  More dust on those vases.

Since moving into our new home (we have been here nearly two years now and I guess its time to just call it "home" instead of "our new home") we have rejoiced in all the space we have!  We have a yard for the boys to run free, a swing set, a pool, and GARDENS.  Beautiful gardens, alive with perennials that flower.  I've dusted off all my flower vases and now they all make regular appearances full of flowers in our home.  It is so decadent to have a house full of flowers!!  It is so rewarding that I grew them all!!!

This week one of my rose bushes is in bloom, I couldnt resist cutting a few for one of our vases.

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