Monday, June 11, 2012

Pictures of the Boys

This will probably come as no surprise but I love photos.  My boys, well, to say they dont share my love for pictures is an understatement.  I have developed a sense of humor over the years, and the repeated picture taking fails.  Sometimes in 100 pictures there are 90% hilarious outtakes.  This past weekend I bribed the boys and dragged out my camera.  They did a pretty good job, unfortunately the sun/shadows were working against us.  Here are a few of the "better" photos.  

The boys together.  Justin has gotten SO tall.  He towers over Evan now.

 I love this photo of Justin.  He reminds me alot of my dad (minus the blond hair and plus a mustache) here.

 He is one happy boy.
 Evan has trouble with pictures these days, I didnt get a really nice one of him alone.  He has a forced fake smile he adopts for pictures currently.  But, I like this laughing picture of him.  Its so true to his happy self.

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