Thursday, June 14, 2012

Strawberry Picking

We took the boys to a new strawberry patch this year to pick.  It was so much delicious fun.  Nathan literally never stopped eating strawberries.  They should have weighed him coming in and leaving because he probably put away a pound of strawberries on our visit to the farm.  What a great day!!!

Nathan eating.
 Justin's goal was to find the biggest and reddest strawberries in the patch.  He proudly held them out to show them off, until Nathan came up to one he had held out, snatched it out of his hand and shoved it in his mouth, all in about 2 seconds.
 With the boys' help, and despite Nathan's eating we managed to pick about 10 pounds.  We ate ALOT of them, my mom and I made a strawberry pie which was delicious.  And then when we couldn't eat anymore I made strawberry jam!  YUM.
Don't eat the green ones Nathan!!!  As he quickly discovered, and you can see from his face, the green ones don't taste quite as good as the red.

Waving to the tractor as it drove by us in the field.

 I love this picture of Nathan alone picking in the field.
 Proof of his eating:  a red stained mouth!

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