Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Letter to Evan's Teacher

Its getting dangerously close to the end of the school year, and I'm getting all misty-eyed over the idea of the last day of school.  Im going to have a third grader and first grader soon.  We have had such a wonderful school year for both the boys.  Both boys have had such fabulous teachers, perfect for each of their personalities and learning styles.  I feel truly blessed for all they have done for my boys.  But, its Evan's teacher who I am having the hardest time thinking about saying goodbye to.  I *may* have asked her for a hug at the end of the Kindergarten Open House this past week (totally out of character for me because I'm not generally a hugger).  She loved my child.  I mean really loved him.  She cared about him in ways I could have never even imagined to hope for this year.  She was just perfect.  I wrote her this heartfelt end of the year note with her gift.  I'm sharing it with you here to give you an understanding of what she has given our family this year.
It's difficult for me to put into words how important you have been to our family's life this year.  I feel as though I can't possibly do justice to how grateful we are for all you have done for our child.  Thank you just isn't enough.

All summer leading up to the first day of school I had this pit of my stomach bad feeling about what the school year would hold for Evan.  The year before was hard for him and our family.  We were in and out of specialists, therapists, neurologist offices.  We watched Evan struggle through evaluations then subsequent therapies.  Everyone was stressed out.  No one was happy, least of all Evan.  I was worried were were setting the stage for a lifelong dread of school and learning.  You see, there are very few things I wish for my kids, but, being happy and loving learning are two of the most important.  'What if he hates school?' I kept asking myself.

Little did I know that I had nothing to worry about, because Evan was given the most precious gift this year - you.  You are a teacher with such infectious enthusiasm, kindness, encouragement and compassion.  How could any child not love spending his afternoons in your classroom?  Your class is so full of your incredible spirit and passion for teaching.  In this environment Evan has grown to love school and learning, and while its still not easy for him, he is happy.  Evan has excelled far beyond our hopes academically this year under your guidance and encouragement.  Evan has grown into such a determined child with high self esteem and this is all because of you.  Being in your classroom this year volunteering I have seen how much you love what you do and care for your students.  It shows in Evan's happy face when he comes off the bus after a day full of hard work and learning.  You make all that work so fulfilling for him.

It touched my heart to see Evan's book dedication to you.  In the dedication he wrote, "My teacher loves watermelon.  My teacher loves me."  I felt safe every day sending Evan into your classroom to learn and grow under your guidance knowing that you do love my child.  I can't express how much this meant to me.  I imagined Evan's kindergarten year a hundred times over, and never did I imagine it as successful and wonderful as it was.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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