Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Vist with Great Nana

I took the boys over to my aunt and uncle's house the other day to have a visit with their Great Nana and their cousin (second once removed? I dont know the technical term) Allison. Nathan got some love from Great Nana and the boys got a real treat when we got to go to my aunt's neighbor's house to see her petting zoo in her back yard! She has goats, ducks, sheep, chickens, rabbits, pigs - OH MY! It was wonderful. It is a hope of mine to some day soon have egg laying chickens on our property. Im slowly working on G on this idea, he is a bit more hesitant than I am! It was great to see her chickens and find out some of the details about raising egg laying chickens. Justin was over the moon with happiness that Uncle Tom brought him to see his "awesome, giant rock collection" and gave him some rocks!!! Thank you Uncle Tom, you made Justin's week!!! Nathan especially loved Allison's pink tea set (there is hope for me yet in the girl's cute toys department). And Evan, who has really been missing our dog Chewy lately, got a chance to love Duffy for a few moments that he allowed:)

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