Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Eleven Months (Yesterday)

Happy Eleven Months Old Nathan!

I think that Nathan is allergic to oranges. Garren is allergic to cinnamon, so I suppose anything is possible. After giving him some watered down in his sippy cup two days ago, he broke out in a rash on his face (you can see it on his cheeks here) and very badly on his bottom. After my friend suggested it might be an allergic reaction, sometimes its about seeing the trees between the forest (or however that saying goes), I stopped the orange juice and the rashes are gone! We go in a couple more weeks for his allergy testing, so until then, no organe products.

Anyways, enjoy his eleven month pictures and ignore the rash. PS- You know what comes next month?! ONE YEAR. Thanksgiving Day this year. How can a year have possibly gone by so fast? But, up first...Justin's 7 year birthday!!! Stay tuned :) its a big month for us.

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