Saturday, October 9, 2010

One Month Anniversary!

This weekend marks our one month anniversary in our new home. I think its important to say how very fortunate we are to have found this house and made it our home. The house is coming along quite well. We have most the major projects on the house done, minus a pressure pump, overhead lights in the kiddos rooms, the hardwood floors in the dining room and a shed! Some of those projects will have to wait until the Spring now! Among the most exciting is the furniture in our entry way room that got delivered this week! Im in love with how well it came out, we picked it out unfinished and had the shop finish it for us so we really didnt know how nice it was going to be until it arrived. Its fabulous and quite practical too. We got a giant wardrobe for the coats, a bench for the boys to put on their shoes at. A hanging piece for backpacks and hats and mittens storage. And we got a duel recycle bin unit to hide the nasty recycling away:) It really makes the entrance space a finished room now and Im so happy with it.

We absolutely adore our new neighborhood and town. The boys LOVE school. Justin has made a wonderful transition to first grade. He has the sweetest teacher this year and he is doing really well academically, our little reader has finally emerged! Evan really likes preschool, and didnt seem to mind the change in school, teachers and children. I am surprised at how easily he has adapted, typically our "shy" child, Evan seems to be growing some wings this year and has become more independent. He comes home all smiles and stories from school and thats whats important at this age. Justin joined a gymnastics program close to our house, which he really likes. Evan is doing a library story hour program in town. He also adores town soccer which G is coaching this year. Its a great way to get involved in the town. I have started getting involved in the community as well. I volunteer weekly at the school and I joined a couple mothers groups in the area.

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