Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cuteness and Nathan Update

Some random cuteness to make you all warm and fuzzy...
Nathan is standing on his own now for brief periods at a time. Its almost as if he lets go and forgets he is standing there until he falls or tries to move without holding on. I think its only a matter of time before walking. His hair is getting long. When wet its a reddish blond, when dry its a white blond. He still only has 6 teeth, two bottom and four uppers, you can just now start seeing the uppers when he smiles below his lip line. He is a terrible sleeper (still) and I blame this fully on G who was just like him as a baby (or so the stories go) and because it feels good to have someone to blame :) Nathan has only slept through the night about 8 times since he was born and those being in the past month or so now. We have been in full cry-it-out mode for a couple weeks, which is torture for everyone involved. We are hoping to have sleep trained him by his first birthday or we welcome earplugs as wonderful first birthday presents! Other than sleep he is the happiest and most lovable baby. He is always smiling and goes to/with anyone, very friendly child. He loves to eat and feed himself solids. He has been slowly giving up his bottles (as part of our crying it out we dont feed him at night anymore). He is allergic to eggs and milk (the known allergens - at his one year checkup he will get blood work done to test for more allergens) but for the most part eats anything else without complaint. He loves his big brothers and always wants to be around them and watching what they are doing. He is little for his age still, I have no idea how much he weighs, we havent been to the doctor in quite awhile, but, he wears mostly 12 month clothes, he still fits in a few 9 month things. He has the bluest eyes. Sparkly light blue and so beautiful. He looks so much like Justin at this age, its uncanny. We are blessed with a very wonderful little boy!!!

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