Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pumpkins and Talking

You know, when I go to post these pictures of our fun activities as a family, or any picture at all, I keep thinking, "its the effort that counts not the end result", because try as I might I cannot get a picture of all the boys looking at the camera and smiling (okay not even smiling, with their eyes open would be acceptable). My boys hate cameras. I love cameras. Its frustrating sometimes...enjoy these less than perfect but certainly effort intense photos:)

Today we took the boys to the pumpkin patch for some pumpkin picking, hay bale jumping, goat feeding and apple cider donut eating. We have a 5 year tradition in our family of painting pumpkins on my birthday. It started when Justin was nearly 2 years old and I didnt want him wielding a sharp knife to carve the pumpkins. And we have kept it up, along with some great memories and photos over the years. [I especially look back fondly on the year about 3 years ago when I thought Evan could handle joining in the tradition and he ate the paint off the paint brush and projectile vomited everywhere, luckily we usually do the painting outdoors.] So, today we got the pumpkins for said painting this week. The boys all had a blast at the farm. Nathan LOVED the goats and was eager to get his little hands all over them (which we hand sanitized immediately following). The big boys got all sweaty and covered in hay in the hay maze which they always love. Everyone got their cider donuts! A day well spent.

Nathan is TALKING ALOT. He says "bye bye" consistently now and waves. My favorite is when he is done eating dinner and waves and says "bye" to his food unprompted, even when mommy and daddy want him to eat more! He says "hi" and he says, "mama and dada" but not appropriately at the correct person just more like at everyone and everything. And when he is upset, which is always, "mama, mama, mama". Its really cute, he has a sweet little voice. Anyone remember Evan's voice at this age? It was that raspy smoker-like voice. Nathan's resembles more of what Justin's voice sounded like at this age.

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