Friday, February 24, 2012

Unseasonable Weather

I actually don't really know what "seasonable weather" is supposed to be this winter since we have had everything from snow in October to this week, 57 degrees. But, its been warm, and delightful because I hate winter and could not care less about the lack of snow and ice.

So, it was 57 degrees outside and I felt justified in forcing all the boys out the door to play. We made driveway art. Evan traced me:

And I traced him. I particularly like the fake ax lying next to him. Because its such a boy thing to have lying around. At least it was not real.
Nathan took over playing street hockey after the big boys abandoned their game.
I caught Evan flinging his arms wide open and shouting SPRING as he rode Nathan's fire truck down the driveway. If only we could be sure it was actually Spring here to stay.
Nathan declared this scooter, "Mine scooter" and grabbed the boy's bike helmet off the ground, put it on backwards himself and then took off on the scooter, like he had been doing it his whole life. Mad gross motor skills this little boy has.
Justin and Evan collected pine cones from around the yard. Picking little tiny ones off the trees and oohhing and aaahing over this large one they found left over from the Fall in prefect condition.
Then we all played a game of Frisbee. Justin can throw the Frisbee better than I can now. Which, isnt saying much I know, but, leaves me wondering how long they will be interested in playing sports with their uncoordinated mom. Hopefully they pick up an interest in something like track, which requires less coordination and more determination. We had so much fun playing outside together though. Even Nathan got a chance to throw the frisbee around and was smiling ear to ear the whole time.

Speaking of sports, I started the Couch to 5K with a girlfriend of mine. We are only on day 2 of week 1 but so far, its going okay! Back in the day before I got pregnant with Nathan I was working with a personal trainer and had gotten myself up to 3 mile runs. So, Im hopefully that I can get back there again!!! Its a great stress reliever at the very least. Nathan enjoyed his "ride in the go-go" as he called the stroller ride I gave him while I ran. I taught him to cheer "go mommy, go" for next time :)

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