Saturday, February 4, 2012


Evan has been doing so well with his reading! We are so proud of him, and all his hard work. We have these great letter tiles that he uses to make his sight words with for practice. I love this picture of Nathan, I can just imagine him thinking, 'whats everyone looking at?!' This is what his face looks like after a meal with frozen blueberries. He loves them!
Nathan and G were telling secrets, the secret was to come and get mommy and tickle me!!!
Nathan running to get me.

Winter is such a drag. Colds seem to just keep cycling through our house, despite all the cleaning, changing of sheets and spraying of lysol I do. Evan takes the brunt of it, with his asthma, he requires at least daily steroid treatments. He hates them, here he is looking grouchy while doing a breathing treatment.This was my shirt when I was 5 or 6 years old. My mom saved it all these years, each of my boys has worn it. Its very special to me. I love seeing Nathan's smiling face in it!!!

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