Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Random Photos and Tidbits Around the House

Nathan eating course one of his lunch. Nathan has to be fed in courses otherwise he fills up on the meats and doesnt eat his veggies or fruits. He loves meat. He cannot possibly be MY child. Every day we eat lunch at the early hour of 11am in order to get Evan to kindergarten on time. Try eating peas and carrots at 11 am, I dare you! Early lunch time is my least favorite part of afternoon kindergarten, it messes with everyone's food schedule. Most days Nathan eats two lunches, one before kindergarten drop off, and one after he wakes up from his nap. And then he is not hungry for dinner. Then he is starving before bedtime. Its a vicious cycle. Add to that all the food allergies we have been dealing with. It makes for a very eventful feeding schedule.

Nathan playing in his bedroom! Ive moved some of his favorite toys up there and now Nathan happily plays while I clean, put away clothes, change bed sheets, etc. Its very convenient. I love the independence Nathan is gaining suddenly more like a boy and less like a baby. He can play for 10-15 minutes at a time without assistance from me now. It makes my days more productive and less stressful.
Nathan has discovered shake and go cars that were once his brothers favorites too. Here is an action shot of him shaking them up.

Aaaahhhhh, Thomas the Train. How Ive missed you from my life the last couple years. But not your awful videos. Nathan is full on train obsessed now. So fun!!!!
Justin attended a police station tour with his cub scouts Den. They put all the kids in jail. Too bad they didnt keep them there. :)
Karate. My home away from home. I spend four days a week there. The boys are loving karate though, so its worth all the hours. Evan graduated to his orange belt!!!! We are so proud of him!!!

This past weekend G and I took all three boys and went furniture shopping. We have a pretty long list of furniture that we need for the bedrooms shuffle and the basement playroom. The boys had a blast eating their way through all the stores' cafes. We bought an entertainment center for the playroom. I had some pretty specific needs: no glass, and big enough for our giant relic tube tv., and no raised bottom to get pieces, cars, dust, stuck under. We found something that fit our needs.
The boys, especially Nathan, loved the fish at one of the stores. This was a great distraction while we ordered a boring mattress.
Evan loved Bob, and his food in the cafe.

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