Monday, February 13, 2012

Around the House

This is what happens when DADDY dresses you in the mornings. Quite stylish, no?I have this thing about jello, gelatin more specifically. I hate it. It has to do with a very graphic plant tour I took of a gelatin factory my senior year while studying chemical engineering. Words can't even describe the smells and sights I encountered on that day. Its much worse than you can imagine. Much. Worse. But, our local health store sells "gels" which are vegetarian and although *I* wont eat them, they are allowable in my home. Nathan tried one today and LOVES them. A great treat for him.
Over the weekend I made about 85 pancakes, egg, milk, nut, corn free, for Nathan and froze them to microwave for future breakfasts. I made blueberry, raspberry and flax seed chocolate chip.
Nathan tried them out today and gobbled them up. He is using a giant fork in this picture. His little two year old mind insisted using "mommy's fork" for eating today and would not take no for an answer.
Evan and I practiced making money sums over the weekend with coins. He is studying them in school right now. We came up with different ways to make 10 cents, 25 cents and 50 cents. It was alot of fun. My little math whiz, he came up with 8 ways to come up with 50 cents!
Nathan spent a majority of our morning today looking like this: All on his own doing.

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