Monday, February 27, 2012

Vacation Week and Randomness

This week is school vacation week! We tried not to over plan our week. I want the opportunity to do some projects with the older boys while Nathan naps each day. We have a couple playdates with some friends we dont get to see often, because of school. But, for the most part we are going to chill around the house. Justin has two belt loops he would like to finish this week for Cub Scouts!

Ive been working with Evan on rhyming words and word families. I have these great tiles for him to work with. Justin and Nathan playing together. Elefun is an oldy but goody game that Nathan has discovered and Justin has rediscovered. They had a blast playing together the other day.
Nathan loves stickers on his hands.
Evan in his karate uniform with his new orange belt!

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