Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happy October!

This weekend our family split up and had some "big kids" vs. "baby" fun. G was taking Nathan to a concert to see a "baby show" that the boys had no interest in. So, I decided to plan some fun "big kid" only activities with Evan and Justin. We made a list of all the fun things we like to do that we can't with the baby in tow. Then we did them!

The first on the boys' list was mini golf. A recipe for disaster with the baby. The big boys however, had a blast!!! We also did the pitching machine and batting cages at the golf place. Justin can pitch 27 mph balls and Evan pitched 24 mph balls! It was so much fun!!

After mini golf we met up with my parents for lunch at one of the boys' favorite restaurants, the Weathervane. Resturants with the baby are a nightmare for many reasons: food allergies, short attention spans, etc. This was a real treat.

Then the boys and I went big ball bowling (something you could NEVER do with a baby). Justin is quite the bowler! He got SIX spares in one game. It was such a fun day. Im so happy I got to spend some special time with my older boys. Im thinking we need to make this a tradition of sorts!!!

And meanwhile...at the concert...Nathan and G during the concert:
The cast:
G and John and the kiddos:

G brought Nathan to his first concert! He went with his friend John, his wife and their daughter who is the same age as Nathan. If you don't know what Yo Gabba Gabba is I envy you, and also implore you to watch some on you tube. Nathan LOVED it! He sat enthralled for the entire show not nearly even shifting in his chair except to "break it on down" (thats part of the Yo Gabba Gabba lingo). They had amazing 3rd row seats which was a real treat for the kiddos!!

Nathan had his first dentist appointment this week. I have no pictures of the event though, because my hands were wrapped around Nathan's squirmy body in the dentist chair. Loving the dentist as much as you know I do, you can believe that the whole experience was much more traumatic for me than Nathan. I love our dentist though, he is so practical and great. Having a daughter the same age as Nathan there was no "is he flossing?" or "its time to give up the pacifier" discussions because LETS BE REAL, those things are not happening in our house. Any nearly two year old parent will understand. Nathan had no cavities and has one killer overbite (there is some technical term for this which is something like you-will-owe-thousands-in-orthodontics but I cant remember). And so begins our every 6 month trips to the chair. I figure, with three children now on regular visits, Im actually at the dentist 6 times a year, or every other month, which is a whole lotta dental visits for someone who breaks into a cold sweat just typing these words. The things we do for love and good teeth.

We have been trading sickness around our house for a few weeks now. That combined with all the rainy dreary weather has made for some long days. Im hoping that the sun comes out and I can air out the house to let these germs all out!!!

Nathan at the concert:

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