Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jumping Game

Evan went to his friend's birthday party today. I was lucky enough to attend with him without the other two boys, thanks to my mom who babysat for me. The party was at Chuck E. Cheese, which might possibly be my least favorite place on Earth, or tie with the dentist. But people rarely have birthday parties at the dentist, and as it turns out lots of kids have their parties at Chuck E. Cheese. Dont believe me? This is our THIRD Chuck E Cheese party since August. Its only September. Sigh...

Anyways, Chuck E Cheese has this fabulous game called the jump rope game or something like that. I got this awesome video of Evan playing the game. Take a look at Evan's feet as he jumps, its absolutely amazing!!! This from a boy who a year ago could not jump with two feet. Ever. Let alone timing his jumps to the game. This video brings a tear to my eye. How far Evan has come in such a short time. How hopeful we are for the future.

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