Friday, October 28, 2011

Fabulous News All Around

This week was quite an amazing week in our house. First and foremost, Evan graduated from physical therapy this week! We suspected this was going to be the case, but, I didnt want to blow the surprise just in case. A couple weeks ago his physical therapist had indicated that Evan had met all his goals we set a year ago when we first started therapy. He was at or above Kindergarten level for all his gross motor skills! She suggested we take a week off and come back to make sure that Evan was maintaining his skill level without therapy during the week. And sure enough, we came back on Tuesday and Evan was doing just as fabulous. Our physical therapist is confident that Evan has built up enough muscle mass and acquired enough balance skills to see him through! We could not be more pleased with this news!!!! Evan is such a hard worker. He has patience and determination and never quits. This is evident in how far he has come in such a relatively short time period. Physical therapy was HARD for Evan. It was an hour workout every week where he would be sweating and exhausted at the end. Of course our therapist made it so much fun for him, but, still it wasn't easy. He is very proud of himself to say the least, and so he should be. I was absolutely beaming when I heard the news. Evan has already decided that he wants to take karate now that he is done with therapy and we have a free morning! I havent signed him up yet, but, I feel like my strong, coordinated boy deserves a shot at something he loves!!!

Secondly, this week we confirmed that Nathan is no longer allergic to milk! A month back now Nathan accidentally ate something that had milk in it. And he had no reaction. But, the milk content was so low that I just wasnt sure. Then over the past couple weeks we have been introducing things like yogurt, which is a "safer" milk product. Or things containing cheese. And yesterday I gave him straight cheese with no issues at all. All that is left is to give him milk in a cup. This makes cooking/eating/shopping for food so much easier for our family. Now all we have left is to outgrow the egg and nuts allergies!!! Fingers crossed.

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