Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Everything is Fine Except for a Few Library Fines

My little crazies!!! Preparing before the storm, three sets of jackets, pants, boots, gloves, hats...oh my.
Nathan's new snowsuit, thanks to my mom!!! So cute and fits him perfectly.
They boys hanging out together. They are so sweet, they really do love spending time together and are best friends.
A Halloween party at my friend Amy's house. Nathan in his kangaroo costume in the yard. I love this picture of him bending over to pick up a bat with his tail in the air.
Eating an apple at the Halloween party. The upside to food allergies during the holidays is that Nathan eats very healthy in comparison to his peers :)
In the yard. G and the boys rolled this giant snowball. It was taller than Nathan!!!!
A downed tree in our culdesac.
Our road was never plowed on Sunday. The boys were sledding on it!!!
Hot cocoa. Something you would never think you would serve in October.
Justin was hot? He is nearly always undressed these days. It must be a boy thing :)
Nathan feeding himself cereal with milk! He is getting so good with his spoon!!!
Happy Halloween!!!
Baking with no oven, in small batches in the toaster oven :)

Out for dinner for Justin's birthday. Nathan ate jelly as an appetizer. Right out of the plastic container.
The big boys had pizza. Yum.
Happy 8th birthday Justin!!!!

Hello Out There!!!! Its good to be among those with power, Internet, cable and phones once again. We survived the Halloween storm and thankfully had very little damage to our yard, none to our house. Our generator gave us heat and some electric capabilities while we were without power for over 4 days, which was great! The boys missed three days of school, which they were delighted about, and G missed two days of work. I racked up a total of $6 in library fines (three DVDs overdue by two days each) which Im sure the library is going to waive in light of the fact that the whole town had no power during the due dates.

We actually managed to sneak in some fun despite the fact that Halloween was cancelled and the roads were impassible for a day or so. Justin celebrated his eight birthday in the midst of all the craziness. We took him out to probably one of the only restaurants in town with power, luckily it also happens to be his favorite! And we had cake and presents for him. Im a planner so all this was done well in advance of the storm luckily. The boys had a blast playing in all the snow. We got over 18 inches of it all told. We had 3 play dates with friends who were also stuck home with no school because of no power. We made cookies in very, very small batches in our little toaster oven, made shrinky dinks, did crafts, played with alot of toys we havent used in a long time, read, played family games and enjoyed eachother's company without alot of distractions!

And tomorrow its back to the routine....

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