Thursday, October 6, 2011

Photo Dump

I take alot of pictures. And only a small portion of those make it into my blog. So, Im going to try and start dumping a bunch of our random pictures that dont make it into our daily blog here.

I made this artwork for the boys' playroom. I got the idea online. It was fun but a very messy project. Before you get too impressed, it isnt hung yet :)
I found Nathan hanging out like this the other day. Binky, monkey and crammed into a toy bucket. He seemed comfortable.
Justin took this picture of me because I was standing next to my favorite color wall while we were bowling. He also told me he would NOT want a wall that color in our house. Sigh - life with boys.
Evan with a giant jaw breaker in his mouth.
Nathan in the town firetruck at the firehouse open house. Funny thing, the little boy standing behind him is my friend from middle school's son who we bumped into unexpectedly, I love our small town feel!
Dyeing rice for a project.
Deer in our garden, now I know what ate all my zucchini plants at the end of the season, next year a better fence!!!!
My hat I crocheted for winter.
Nathan in an epic meltdown. Face bright red. Tears. But still holding on to his binky!
A look and find I made for the boys!
My birthday cupcakes YUMMMMMMMMMYYYY!!!!!!!!!
Evan and Nathan, this is a sweet photo, not staged, of the two of them. They are such buddies.
Nathan sporting some Fall clothes, finally getting to break them out with the cooler weather!
Fall flowers, some of the last from our garden for the year, sob.

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