Sunday, October 16, 2011

Photo Dump

The week's random photos:

At the park with Nathan, Justin and Evan. Nathan insisted on bringing sock monkey who got to swing too!
Playing hide and seek. What could be cuter than a group of 5 year olds playing hide and seek together?!
This is "brotherly love" at the park.
After the park there was the farm. Evan was clearly very tired and decided the pumpkins made a good place to rest.
Justin with the pumpkins.
Nathan wanted to lift ALL the pumpkins and got mad when he could not lift the larger ones, I tried explaining that only ants carry more than their body weight but he wasn't listening.
At the farm with our friends and their two boys Tyler and Brayden.
Nathan on the hay maze at the farm. He was really proud of himself.
Nathan ADORED the goats.
He could not and would not do anything but feed those goats once he saw them. It was true love.
At a playdate at a friend's house, tracing eachother on the driveway.
Afterwards it looked like a crime scene with all the little bodies outlined around the driveway.
Running around in our friend's yard.

Nathan tried really hard to blow bubbles, but, he still needs to perfect his technique.I love this picture of Nathan contemplating the bubbles.
At our favorite library, isnt it so beautiful in there?
Wondering what this beautiful flower is? From our yard.
Evan playing football in the yard.
Nathan and Evan playing football together in the yard. Please ignore the mess in the background while we finish our shed project.
Blueberry bushes! For my birthday my parents bought me 12 blueberry bushes for our yard!!!! We replaced some of the flowers and bushes near the fence with the blueberry bushes in hopes of having a huge crop in the coming few years!!! YUM.
A newly rediscovered toy, a hotwheels track. It took Nathan watching us show him how it worked ONCE to mater the technique.
My crazy boys.

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