Friday, February 25, 2011

Vacation Week Video Catch Up

Catching up on posting some cute videos of the kids from this past week. Lots of fun this week! The kids and I were all successfully exhausted. The highlights of our vacation week included: two trips to two bouncey house places in our area, a playdate with friends of ours from town, an afternoon with Nana and Pa and dinner at their house, a haircut, a snowstorm and losing power for the afternoon, and a day with daddy home! Busy, busy.

My favorite video has to be this last one of Nathan having a blast with his ball popper. If you only watch one, this is the one to see :) Nathan was putting his banana puffs snack into the popper and then turning on the air to produce a volcano effect with the puffs. You can also see his cute new hand gesture shrugging his shoulders and holding out his hands for "I dont know". That baby boy, we simply adore his presence in our lives.

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