Sunday, February 6, 2011

This Time I Wont Talk About The Weather

The big boys watching the SuperBowl.
Nathan learning to drink from a big boy cup. Nathan helping daddy vacuum.

I did say I wouldnt talk about the weather, so, instead Ill post a picture of the backyard foot marker. Yup, thats a two foot mark the snow is up to. And this is the low part of the yard where we get less snow.

Nathan learning to use a spoon.

Working on Valentine's Day cards for their classmates.

Wrestling with daddy.

G and the boys making ice cream.

Evan doing some dot-to-dots.
Justin working on his pillow with Nathan looking/reaching on. Nathan is getting quite tall and as a result his reach has extended further onto the dining room table!!!

We had a wonderful weekend. It was low key and relaxing. We are resting up for a couple really busy weekends to come. We did alot of fun little activities with the boys that we have been wanting to do but just didnt have the time for them. Justin is learning to make a hook and latch rug pillow. I worked with him on that a bit this weekend. Im impressed with how well he can manuever the hook, its quite challenging but he picked it up really easily. Both boys had fun doing some activity books I found while unpacking - yes, we still have boxes to go. Its like Christmas all year long opening up boxes of things we havent played with in a long time. G made ice cream with the boys. Which Justin reported "is way better than what you get from the store". The boys worked on their Valentine's Day cards for school. Evan is doing really well writing his name on his valentines and I was really happy with his enthusiasm and effort. This is huge for Evan who has some fine motor issues. He was really proud of his cards he completed! Nathan has been growing and changing in leaps and bounds lately, this weekend he learned how to drink from his brothers' camel back cups and was quite proud of himself. He also insists on using a spoon and fork at dinner now, Im sure because he sees his brothers doing this too. He cant quite use them himself yet, but, he sure tries! The boys topped off the weekend by watching some of the first quarter of the Super Bowl with daddy before bedtime. They were very excited about all the silly commercials more than anything.

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