Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Done with Winter

Its not that I dont have anything else to talk about but the weather. Its just that its all consuming these days. We have ALOT of snow. The boys have missed alot of school. We are doing alot of shoveling times two houses. I think Im ready for Spring. BUT...Mother Nature isn't quite ready to be done. Its been snowing for over 12 hours now and the end is nowhere in sight. So, in the interest of putting on a brave face, I present to you some of our winter wonderland of fun from the past week/weekend.

We took the boys to a hill right down the street from our house, its a fabulous park (and beach for the summer weather -if it ever comes). The boys had so much fun sledding. Here they are in the videos on yellow sleds coming down the hill. They actually got going quite fast. I was surprised they werent scared! Evan must have trudged up the hill 10-12 times while we were there. I was quite impressed with his stamina!

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