Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day!

Nathan helping me fold laundry. Believe it or not, Evan found this lady bug in our house in the morning and kept it as his pet for the day while the blizzard wore on outside.
Justin helped me bake M&M cookies.

A snowblown path to the fuel tank in our backyard.

The boys standing in the path. The snow is up to Evan's waist now.

The snow on our roof before roof raking.

The snow drifts nearly up to our 8 foot fence. The fence looks beautiful with the snow stuck to it.

Everyone had a snow day yesterday. Even G had the day off because his plant was closed due to the weather. We had a great day as a family stranded in the middle of the blizzard (was it truly a "blizzard"? I dont know, but, it was enough snow to keep us all stuck in our neighborhood for the day). We baked cookies, played games and even went outdoors to play in the snow.

G took a bunch of pictures outdoors of the snow, to give you some perspective on just HOW MUCH we have. Enjoy!!!!

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