Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Weekend Roundup

The moment has finally arrived! This weekend the kids got to eat their gingerbread houses!!!! Much fun and candy consumed by both the big boys. Complete destruction has been achieved. YUM.
Nathan points at EVERYTHING now. He points and says, "that, that, that". Its quite cute and a great way for him to communicate to us his wants/needs. He kept pointing at the boys gingerbread houses while they were eating them. Sorry buddy, those contain a million ingredients you cant eat.
This weekend was full of projects. The boys painted their clay ornaments this weekend and also did some paper painting. The boys finished their three part wood working train project at our local hardware store this weekend. They also brought home a bonus ornament kit too.
Evan is out of school this week, so we have lots of fun activities planned! Justin has school until Christmas Eve this year. Have a great week!!!

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