Monday, December 13, 2010

Its A Boy's World And Im Just Livin' In It

Boys are just born knowing what swords are and what they do. Nathan wields a sword. Nathan climbing to get to something on mommy's desk he isnt supposed to have.
The three boys in a pig pile wrestling.

I never grew up with brothers so I was never forewarned what exactly having a bunch of boys running around my house really meant. With Nathan added to the mix its even more wild, crazy, exciting and wonderful around here. Oh, and did I mention LOUD??? Nathan is growing into the typical boys boy. He loves to climb and otherwise put himself in harms way, he also thinks wrestling with his brothers is hilarious. Try as I might to remind him that he is ONE YEAR OLD and has plenty of time for those shenanigans, he doesn't listen. Enjoy the pictures of our chaos :)

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