Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve-Part Two

Late Christmas Eve afternoon we headed over to my parent's house for dinner and presents. The boys were eager to open their gifts from Nana and Pa and would do ANYTHING to get the ripping of packages open started. We got some great well posed pictures of the boys. Awwww, bribery is so cute. Even a decent family shot!

Then the gift opening began. Nathan (G likes to call him Natalie because of his long hair that I refuse to cut because its so cute) was not quite sure what to make of all the excitement.

Evan opening presents.

Justin with his new Christmas present, a digital camera. He has taken some hilarious and cute pictures and videos that I will have to share.
Nathan with his new push/ride on car present. He REALLY liked it, can't wait for the Spring to give him rides around the culdesac in it!!!

The boys with their new scooters trying them out in the basement of my parent's house.

Lighting the antique German Carousel, I think its called a pyramid. This is a Christmas favorite of the boys. The heat from the candles rising causes the blades at the top of the carousel to spin and the whole scene spins inside. Its really quite cool and a special treat only to be lit and used at Christmas.

Every year since I was a little girl my dad has read Twas the Night Before Christmas before bedtime. That tradition has carried on to my boys now. Nathan was a little too young/tired for the story this year. Justin LOVED snuggling up to Pa and hearing it.

After the excitement of a very full day we headed home to put out cookies, milk and carrots for the reindeer. Did you know that Blitzen hates carrots? The tradition in our family is that Blitzen will take his carrot and spit it out in the driveway after his visit with Santa. Sure enough, a chewed up carrot found its way into our driveway on Christmas morning!!!

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