Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Nathan in his snow gear, all bundled up and ready to go. He is such a GOOD baby. He didnt fuss once about all the layers of clothing and gear. He even managed to walk around in it with no complaint. He loved being outside in the snow. First child to actually CRY when I took them IN from outdoors. My other boys hated the cold/snow/outdoors at Nathan's age. Nathan went sledding and squealed in delight down the hill. He got pulled around the culdesac in his toddler sled and actually tried to climb back in for more! What a little snow bunny.
Waiting for daddy to shovel a path from the door to the yard. I love this picture because Nathan is right there with his big brothers, as excited as them, even though he has no idea why. What a cute little boy he is, and how much he loves his big brothers.

The boys in their snow gear. My mom reminded me after the fact that I do own brown snow pants for Evan, now I just have to FIND those snow pants. In the chaos that was our move, things did get jumbled a bit.

The big boys making their first snow angels in our new yard!!!
From the pictures you can tell: we got our first real accumulation of snow of the season this past week. It also is our first snow fall in the new house! The boys were SUPER excited our new house happens to have fabulous hills in the yard for sledding, both the front, side and back (which we have yet to even explore). I cant say enough how very fortunate we were to find this house and yard. It has been such a blessing for our family, offering hundreds of hours of outdoor opportunity for the boys and all their ENERGY.

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