Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Weekend/Week

We had a busy weekend/week and Im just now getting to post some new pictures on the blog. And I realized I havent taken too many pictures in the past few days:) Gotta keep the camera out and more handy!

Friday night Justin had piano lessons, which he has been taking for 4 months or so now. He loves piano, and is doing really well with it. He has learned so much in just a short time. Luckily for him, he takes after his daddy and is very musically inclined. I, on the other hand, cannot follow a beat or carry a tune. Justin has been longing for a drum set that is for sale in the music store where he takes lessons. Every week he "visits" with the drum set and longingly stares at it. A few weeks ago he told me that he is going to "save up" for the drum set, which comes with a hefty price tag. Both his dad and I are hoping that his obsession with the drums ends before he actually saves up the money for the set. Three boys and a drum set = one loud house!

Saturday we had to put our dog Chewy to sleep. Sadly, he was very sick and we did some major testing on the dog, only to come up with no solution to help him. In the end, it was the only thing we could really do. We are all very sad over the loss of our dog. It is very quiet in our house without him around.

Saturday night my parents offered to take the bigger boys for us so that we could shampoo all the carpets and furniture in our house. And as a distraction from the loss of the dog. The house smells and looks so much cleaner now!

This week G was traveling to Orlando! Unfortunately he was unable to really enjoy his setting because he was too busy working. Someday we will take the boys and enjoy Florida and Disney World as a family though! It was quite busy with G not around.

Today Evan celebrated his 4th birthday with a little party at school in his preschool class. He was beaming with pride as everyone sang happy birthday and he got to help hand out his cupcakes. I was so happy to be invited to the class to take part in the celebration.

Nathan weighed in last night at 10 lbs, 12 oz. Quite the jump on the scale! I had to check it twice to make sure it was reading correctly. He is doing so much better and nearly fully recovered from the RSV. We are so fortunate that he handled the virus so well. Thanks to some superpowered immune fighting breast milk from me :) and to the fact that he is one little fighter and has been since his birth!!!

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