Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Updates On The Boys

Justin lost another tooth! Thats a total of two teeth lost now! He actually pulled the second one out himself and was very proud of himself. The other adult tooth is right there in his mouth though.
Evan had his 4 year doctor appointment. He is 39 1/2 inches tall and 36 lbs. He got two vaccines but was quite brave and undramatic about the whole thing. Evan started soccer class last week and loves it.
Nathan is 4 months old! He is 12 1/2 lbs now. He has laughed a few times in the past week, I love the sound of baby laughs. He has been using his new exersaucer (borrowed from my friend Lauren in my mom's group - THANK YOU LAUREN). The boys love to play with him while he is in it because he is upright and at a nice level for them to interact with him. He has his 4 month appointment tomorrow - and his own vaccines to get. :(

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