Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Evan!

Evan decided this year he wanted a pirate themed birthday celebration. My mom put her mad cake skills to work and came up with a pirate treasure cake for Evan, complete with candy pirate booty. Needless to say he was thrilled. There were ring pops, candy necklaces, jewels and gold nuggets inside the cake.

Evan cutting his cake after removal of all the candy.

Everyone dressed as a pirate.

Even Nathan got in on the action.

Mommy pirate.

Pa pirate.
Nana pirate.

Evan got a few special presents for his birthday.

The next day we went to the SEE Science Museum in Manchester NH with our long time friends Susan, Dan and their two boys Tyler and Brayden. The SEE Science museum has lots of fantastic hands on exhibits for the kids to explore. Justin had fun solving some of the brain teaser puzzles. He is so good at hands on puzzles.

They have a giant Lego exhibit there, to include a really large Statue of Liberty made solely out of Legos. Justin was VERY impressed!!!

They have a reproduction made out completely of Legos of downtown Manchester when it was a mill city. Its amazing.

And they have a giant table full of Legos to play with, which is where Justin spent ALOT of time, he loves Legos!

Then we went on to the Dinosaur exhibit, where the rest of the kids were very excited, but, Justin was really scared. Here he is hiding from the giant TRex which he said was "always looking at him".

Eventually I convinced him to face his fears of the moving dinosaurs, and he did, although, I dont know how much he enjoyed the whole experience.

Evan, Brayden and Tyler LOVED the dinosaurs.

After the museum, everyone came back to our house for pizza and to play for the afternoon. The boys had a big Bakugan battle - which was really cute!

What a wonderful weekend we had!!!

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