Thursday, March 11, 2010


Starting out sitting upright and happy.

Still happy but leaning a bit. He's a bit concerned now, his head is getting heavy.
And his head one the battle against his neck...

The bumbo seat (not to be confused with the Bjorn carrier or the Boppy pillow), was one of our favorite baby gear items when Evan was little (I dont think they made it when Justin was a baby). We bathed Evan in it from age 4 months and up until nearly a year. Sat the seat right into the tub or sink and it made for a less slippery baby to handle and wash. Evan also sat in it to watch Justin play and hang out with me. It allowed him to be upright and off the back of his head (obviously that was important in his case before we got his helmet). I dug it out and sat Nathan in it today. He is almost ready for it. He can sit in it for 5 minutes or so before his little neck gets tired of supporting that big head of his (BIG brains!) and then he starts leaning forward or sideways. I think its good practice for him though, to strengthen up his muscles. Here are some cute pictures of him trying it out.

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