Sunday, March 28, 2010

New Pictures of Nathan

Phew. What a busy week/weekend we have had! It was full of appointments and activities for all the kiddos. Lots going on, here's the low-down.

Nathan went for his 4 month check up this week. He is 12lbs, 2oz. which is 5th% for his age, and 25th% for his age in height (I cant remember how long he was). The doctor said he has a really small palate (in the mouth) and will likely have a similiar issue with his teeth as Evan (buck). But, other than that he is doing wonderfully. Cant ask for better than wonderful:)
We spent alot of time at my parent's house this week/weekend because my Nana is staying with my mom for awhile. Its nice for the kids to be over in my parent's big backyard running around outdoors, something they cant do at our house!
Justin is wrapping up all his winter/Spring classes until next Fall. He has his last gymnastics class this weekend and his last piano class. Soon softball starts, which will keep us quite busy on the weekends with games and practices during the week. Evan is continuing with both soccer and gymnastics through the Spring/Summer though, since he isnt old enough for the town organized teams yet.
The boys are looking forward to Easter next weekend and an egg hunt at their Nana and Pa's house. And of course, a visit from the Easter bunny.

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