Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Birthday and More Gains!

This weekend we went to my parent's house to celebrate my mom's birthday - Happy Birthday Mom! The older boys had a blast playing games on their Auntie Laura's iTouch - technology junkies. And of course there was lots of good food and cake and ice cream to enjoy.
This weekend we got a snowstorm. We didnt get hit as hard as other parts of New England. We only got about 2-3 inches of fluffy snow. The boys had fun playing in the fresh snow on Sunday afternoon.
Last night we weighed Nathan again! He weighed 5lbs 6oz! We cant believe how wonderfully he is gaining and growing. What a relief. We go to the doctor on Wednesday for an official weigh-in and checkup, Ill post more then!


Laura said...

So glad you posted that great photo of "the girls"- whoops I mean the boys and me!

Our Family said...

ha ha ha...sorry Laura...they cant be missed sometimes.