Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Weekend

This weekend has been a busy but fun one. Nathan is eating really well, hopefully he is going through a growth spurt. We are supplementing one to two feedings with expressed breast milk per day to try to get some "easy" extra calories into him. Nathan is spending more time awake each day which is fun! The boys are getting used to a new routine with their brother.
Nathan went on his first outing this weekend, with the exception of his trips to the doctor for checkups. We went over to my parent's house for a delicious turkey dinner. Having had missed Thanksgiving the first time around, it was really nice to share a traditional family turkey dinner with my parents, sister, the kids and our new baby!
I brought Justin to a birthday party at a local indoor bounce place on Saturday, Garren stayed home with Evan and the baby. It was nice to get out a bit without the baby. I managed to time the feedings so that we were back and Nathan was fed in exactly two hours. Today both boys are invited to a birthday party at another bounce place, this one is a bit farther away, so Garren is taking the kids.

Enjoy some new pictures of our little munchkin!

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