Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Weigh In

We weighed Nathan on Sunday, 3 days after his last weigh in at the doctor's office. We have this antique baby scale that my mom let us borrow that is spot on with the doctor's scale that lets us do weigh ins at home. Im proud to announce Nathan was 4lbs 14 oz! Over his birth weight and getting closer to the 5lb mark. Even better, it would seem he is gaining at a rate of 1 oz per day instead of the previous 1/2 oz per day. Relief.

We decided to stop swaddling Nathan when he sleeps. He was fussing and working so hard to get his hands free, and once he would get them free he would stop fussing and relax. Hopefully it helps him have more restful peaceful sleeps between his 2-3 hour feedings!

I took these pictures of him sleeping yesterday. You can see from his side view how much hair this little boy has. I think if you click on the pictures it takes you to a new screen that enlarges them. His hair is actually down his neck in the back and without pushing it behind his ears, would cover the tops of them! The pictures dont do the color justice. Its a beautiful golden blond color, although in the pictures it looks red.

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