Monday, December 28, 2009

More Pictures and a Visit with Great Nana


Justin: Evan:

No one ever gets tired of seeing baby pictures, right?

Today Nathan and I went to my parent's house where my Nana was visiting. Nathan got some great snuggle time with his 96 year old Great Nana, such a special treat! I posted a picture of course.

I got a picture of Nathan in the infamous "Cactus Kid" shirt. For those of you who dont know the story behind this shirt, this was my shirt when I was a baby, made for me by my Aunt Pat. The shirt says "Cactus Kid. My mom gave me the shirt when I had Justin, and I have a picture of each of the boys, Justin, Evan and now Nathan in the same shirt. Its held up pretty well over the years!

I got a picture of Nathan in his 1 month t-shirt with his dog. I plan to take a picture of Nathan with his doggy each month of his first year.

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