Friday, December 18, 2009

3 weeks!

Nathan turned 3 weeks old on Wednesday! Last night (Thursday night) we weighed him and he is now 5lbs 2oz! We cannot begin to tell you how pleased we are by his weight gain, and what a relief it is to finally have him hit the 5lbs mark. Hopefully he will continue to pack on the pounds (or ounces in this case) and by the end of the winter we will have a chubby little boy! Already his little cheeks are starting to get some "chub" to them again and his fingers are looking less skinny and long and more baby-like.
Now that he has hit the 5lbs mark we can finally put him in his baby swing, bouncer seat, etc. Im working on getting everything washed and setup today for him. So exciting. Nathan has a new favorite place to nap currently. Its his contoured changing pad that we put on the floor to change him on. I dont know what it is about it but he seems to immediately doze to sleep in a very restful and deep sleep when I put him on it. So, its been traveling with him around the house while I work and play with the boys. Its quite silly, but, it works!
Someone asked me what was up with all the hats in the pictures, so I figured I would explain. In the hospital the nurses got us in the habit of keeping Nathan with a hat on to keep his body temperature up. Preemies work even harder than the average baby to maintain their temperature and even small fluctuations can waste calories. Since body heat is lost through babies heads, we keep the hat on him to maintain his body heat. Its actually really nice to be able to use all the cute hats that come with outfits and that my Nana crocheted for the other boys. Justin and Evan never fit in any newborn/baby hats because their heads were and still are impossibly huge. (If you think Im exaggerating - Justin shops in the MENS section for his winter hats and I fit in his baseball hats! And Evans head might be a just as big as Justin's now.) The blue hat in the picture above was crocheted by my Nana for Justin 6+ years ago. Its one of our favorites for Nathan.
Enjoy some new pictures of Nathan taken today - hot off the camera for you! Notice his eyes are still very blue!

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