Friday, August 31, 2012

First Day of School

The boys on their first days of school.  Evan is in first grade.  Justin is in third grade.  Nathan is in heaven because he gets all mommy's undivided attention  
 Zombie Justin.
 Walking to the bus stop.
 I dont know who is going to miss whom more.  I think that Evan might just Nathan more than he misses Evan.  Evan and Nathan have become great buddies this past year.
 Waiting at the bus stop.  Our neighborhood has NO kids.  Its just my boys.
 Smiling Evan.

They each had a great day.  Justin LOVES his teacher this year, who is a nice and young and super energetic  person.  Its quite the change from what we have requested in the past for him (his teachers in past years have had an average of 30 years of teaching experience!)  But, we are going to see what the year brings with this change of environment in school.  Justin is a very, very smart kid so Im not worried academically at all.  Evan hasn't been vocal about his teacher yet.  I have no idea who she is or what she looks like even.  Im confident that Evan was placed appropriately though, because he has an education plan to help guide decisions related to his education.  He came home happy so Im happy too!

Sunday, August 26, 2012


We just got back from our end-of-the-summer camping trip.  Lots of fun and fabulous memories.  We went with two of my very good friends and their wonderful families.  Here are just a couple pictures from the trip that I uploaded tonight.  More to come....

There were 9 kiddos total, one not pictured below who was camera shy :)  
 Our family in front of our cabin.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More Pictures More Fun

My kiddos with both sets of grandparents all together!  It doesn't get much better than this!!!
 We went out for ice cream with my cousin, cousin's wife, their son, my aunt, uncle and my Nana who turned 99 years old the day before. Thats right folks, my Nana pictured here is 99 years old.  Don't believe me?  Its the truth!!!  She is amazing.  She got her favorite, maple walnut ice cream.  It was such a fun night.
 Nathan couldn't have ice cream, cross contamination with the scoops from the peanut butter ice cream.  We got him jelly beans instead and he happily munched while everyone ate.  I will say one thing about kids with food allergies, the ones I have met, they are pretty great at adapting to disappointments.  Sure Nathan wanted that chocolate ice cream we talked up in the car the entire way to the ice cream shop, but, he didnt cry and he didn't throw a fit.  Why?  Because he has learned at the age of 2 that there are just some things you can't have.  Its a great lesson he should teach his older brothers (not to mention lots of adults) who are far less able to adapt to disappointments.   Sometimes I feel a tinge of sadness for him (for sure next time Ill remember to bring him his own ice cream from home) but a lot of times I look at his food allergies as such a blessing to him, making him stronger, wiser, tougher.  Life is full of things you want and cant have and pain and disappointment.  But, its also full of joy and goodness (like chocolate jelly belly jelly beans - YUM) if you look for it.

 Nana with some of her great grandkids.
 And with my cousin and I.
 Nathan loves to read.  Have I mentioned this to you?  Im sure I have.  Nathan could read for hours.  Book after book after get the point.  I love spending time snuggled up with him with books.
 What a sweet boy!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

'Round Here

[I miss the Counting Crows.  Ill have to dig up this song which is now playing over and over in my head.  For the record, round here we NEVER stay up really, really, really late.]

 Nathan has discovered the Leapster.  These were an absolute favorite of Justin and Evan for many, many years now.  I think Justin got his when he was 3 years old, so 6 years later they still are getting use out of them.  Its fascinating to watch Nathan learning new things.  He has such an amazing grasp of cause and effect and just "gets" things like this electronic toy.  Impressive and cute!!!

 We hosted one of our favorite families for a playdate one day.  Seven kids versus two moms (5 of which are boys).  We managed to have a fabulous day together!  The kids played playdough together, swam, played ball and chase and just hung out like old friends do on lazy summer days.

 At night we have been enjoying family games together.  Nathan is surprisingly patient and a fast learner when it comes to games.  On this day he mastered Candy Land and made it through the whole game with his brothers and dad!

 Nathan has been learning his numbers.  I made up a parking lot game for him that he really likes.  Each parking spot has a number sticker and one car has a corresponding number on it.  The idea is to park each car in its matching spot.
 Nathan reading with daddy.

Justin rediscovered this fabulous toy that his Uncle Todd gave him a couple Christmas ago.  Its an erector set that you can build lots of different things out of.  On this day he built by himself this fabulous robot.
 The boys attended a birthday party for one of their good friends at a Sportsplex where they played baseball and flag football and ate lots of pizza!  Fun!
 Another game night.  Operation.  We had a tournament that was really cut-throat :)
 Nathan got some help from G.
 Justin concentrating.
 G snapped this picture of me as incriminating evidence of me crawling into Nathan's crib with him.  I know, its pretty ridiculous.
 Justin with another creation from his erector set, a train.
 My dad and Nathan playing the parking lot game.
 Evan jumping into the pool.
 Landing right on a float!  Pretty impressive!!!
 Nathan in the pool.
 Relaxing in the backyard with my feet up.  This doesn't happen very often but when it does, it feels so good.
 Nathan in his shark towel.
Nathan running in the yard.
 Justin doing a handstand under water.  He is a fish after just one year with the pool!  I cant believe how well he swims now, doing flips under water and swimming and floating.  Getting the pool was absolutely the best investment since we moved into our house.
 There is a shark riding that tricycle!!!
 Nathan learned to ride his scooter this past week!  Its so cute to see the three boys racing around on their scooters now.
 Evan can go so fast!
 Justin and Nathan together.
Over the weekend we took a tour of a local brew house.  It was SO cool, speaking from the chemical engineer in me.

Evan was a little less than impressed.  He said it smelled, bad.  It was amazingly clean, he was just smelling the yeast.

Free samples at the end of the tour - YUM!!!

G enjoying his beer.
The kids had high octane fruit punch with LOTS of red food dye, as is evident by their wildness afterwards and their red mustaches.
G and Justin. And me and G.  We had plenty of time for pictures in the bar after the tour.  We were required to stay for 25 minutes after the last member of our tour got served.  As luck would have it about one minuted into our 25 minute wait Nathan had an accident in his shorts.  We naturally had no diaper bag.  Did I mention we were trapped for 25 minutes in the room?  Irony.

Justin the photog.

After we were set free, and Nathan's shorts were changed, we went to see the beautiful horses.  The kids enjoyed watching the horses get washed.

Hanging out in the backyard.  Nathan gets to spend time with BOTH his grandpas - what a lucky boy!!!
Evan playing catch in the yard.