Friday, February 25, 2011

Vacation Week Video Catch Up

Catching up on posting some cute videos of the kids from this past week. Lots of fun this week! The kids and I were all successfully exhausted. The highlights of our vacation week included: two trips to two bouncey house places in our area, a playdate with friends of ours from town, an afternoon with Nana and Pa and dinner at their house, a haircut, a snowstorm and losing power for the afternoon, and a day with daddy home! Busy, busy.

My favorite video has to be this last one of Nathan having a blast with his ball popper. If you only watch one, this is the one to see :) Nathan was putting his banana puffs snack into the popper and then turning on the air to produce a volcano effect with the puffs. You can also see his cute new hand gesture shrugging his shoulders and holding out his hands for "I dont know". That baby boy, we simply adore his presence in our lives.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Dont forget to follow my Project 365 blog to keep up with a daily picture of our family.

The address:

You can also find it by clicking on the right hand column of the blog under View my complete profile and you will see a list of both blogs.

This week's exciting installments will be of our school vacation week chaos...I

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Some videos of Evan from gymnastics class this past week. Evan is the one in the navy blue shorts and navy blue spider man shirt. He has so much fun at gymnastics, always smiling! I was quite impressed with how brave he was at jumping off the high platform and into the foam pit. He didnt even want to hold the coach's hand!

Monday, February 14, 2011


This was my clock from when I was a child. I brought it out to show Nathan the other day, he absolutely adores it. I got a cute video of him dancing to the music and exploring the clock. Enjoy!

Baby Elmo

Baby Elmo has long since been a favorite in our home. All the boys have loved him over the years. When Nathan was born Justin re-discovered baby Elmo and would diaper and dress him while I was doing the same to Nathan. Baby Elmo and Nathan wore the same size clothes at one point and Nathan was not much bigger than him! Now baby Elmo is Nathan's new favorite. Here is a cute video of him loving and hugging on baby Elmo! He is just too precious for words.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

This Time I Wont Talk About The Weather

The big boys watching the SuperBowl.
Nathan learning to drink from a big boy cup. Nathan helping daddy vacuum.

I did say I wouldnt talk about the weather, so, instead Ill post a picture of the backyard foot marker. Yup, thats a two foot mark the snow is up to. And this is the low part of the yard where we get less snow.

Nathan learning to use a spoon.

Working on Valentine's Day cards for their classmates.

Wrestling with daddy.

G and the boys making ice cream.

Evan doing some dot-to-dots.
Justin working on his pillow with Nathan looking/reaching on. Nathan is getting quite tall and as a result his reach has extended further onto the dining room table!!!

We had a wonderful weekend. It was low key and relaxing. We are resting up for a couple really busy weekends to come. We did alot of fun little activities with the boys that we have been wanting to do but just didnt have the time for them. Justin is learning to make a hook and latch rug pillow. I worked with him on that a bit this weekend. Im impressed with how well he can manuever the hook, its quite challenging but he picked it up really easily. Both boys had fun doing some activity books I found while unpacking - yes, we still have boxes to go. Its like Christmas all year long opening up boxes of things we havent played with in a long time. G made ice cream with the boys. Which Justin reported "is way better than what you get from the store". The boys worked on their Valentine's Day cards for school. Evan is doing really well writing his name on his valentines and I was really happy with his enthusiasm and effort. This is huge for Evan who has some fine motor issues. He was really proud of his cards he completed! Nathan has been growing and changing in leaps and bounds lately, this weekend he learned how to drink from his brothers' camel back cups and was quite proud of himself. He also insists on using a spoon and fork at dinner now, Im sure because he sees his brothers doing this too. He cant quite use them himself yet, but, he sure tries! The boys topped off the weekend by watching some of the first quarter of the Super Bowl with daddy before bedtime. They were very excited about all the silly commercials more than anything.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day!

Nathan helping me fold laundry. Believe it or not, Evan found this lady bug in our house in the morning and kept it as his pet for the day while the blizzard wore on outside.
Justin helped me bake M&M cookies.

A snowblown path to the fuel tank in our backyard.

The boys standing in the path. The snow is up to Evan's waist now.

The snow on our roof before roof raking.

The snow drifts nearly up to our 8 foot fence. The fence looks beautiful with the snow stuck to it.

Everyone had a snow day yesterday. Even G had the day off because his plant was closed due to the weather. We had a great day as a family stranded in the middle of the blizzard (was it truly a "blizzard"? I dont know, but, it was enough snow to keep us all stuck in our neighborhood for the day). We baked cookies, played games and even went outdoors to play in the snow.

G took a bunch of pictures outdoors of the snow, to give you some perspective on just HOW MUCH we have. Enjoy!!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Done with Winter

Its not that I dont have anything else to talk about but the weather. Its just that its all consuming these days. We have ALOT of snow. The boys have missed alot of school. We are doing alot of shoveling times two houses. I think Im ready for Spring. BUT...Mother Nature isn't quite ready to be done. Its been snowing for over 12 hours now and the end is nowhere in sight. So, in the interest of putting on a brave face, I present to you some of our winter wonderland of fun from the past week/weekend.

We took the boys to a hill right down the street from our house, its a fabulous park (and beach for the summer weather -if it ever comes). The boys had so much fun sledding. Here they are in the videos on yellow sleds coming down the hill. They actually got going quite fast. I was surprised they werent scared! Evan must have trudged up the hill 10-12 times while we were there. I was quite impressed with his stamina!