Monday, September 13, 2010

A Window, A Tooth, A Snake, The House

We said goodbye to our house this weekend, its a bit sad, because we have so many wonderful memories from there. We brought all three of our sons home through its doorsteps as babies. We literally grew into and out of its four walls, becoming a family of five over the ten years we were in the house.

One of the things Im sad about is that Nathan wont get to enjoy is our low bay window in the living room. He is just getting to the perfect age for the window, pulling himself up on it and cruising along the sill, gnawing on the window crank handle. All the boys did that! I took some pictures of him in front of it on our final day. Im quite sure I have hundreds of pictures of the boys in front of that window.

The first night in the new house everyone got to try out the giant tub! What fun! Evan and Nathan could literally swim in the thing its so deep and long. The older boys climbed into their beds for the first night of sleep slightly reluctantly. There were bad dreams and several calls in the middle of the night from both the older boys but we made it through and the second night went much better thankfully.

The kids are definitely confused a bit they keep asking which house we are going to when I say we are going home. But, every day they find new reasons to be excited about the new house - cable tv, then Internet, then discovering something cool outside like the snake Evan found! He is such a boy, he just loved handling it and playing with it for hours in the yard, catching it, letting it go, then catching it again.

Justin lost his third tooth today, at school. He is very excited, Im in hysterics over how he looks and talks with it missing, its quite silly.

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