Thursday, September 2, 2010

Too Cool For School:)

Justin had his first day of first grade today!!! He did wonderful at his new school, he reported back to me that he loves his new school and teacher and made lots of new friends. He was especially excited that he has MORE GIRLS than boys in his class, 19 total which is nice and small. Last year he had 18 kids, 17 boys and one girl, so this year, he is in heaven, he loves girls his age and plays so well with them.

Justin rode the bus for the first time ever today! He loved that too, acted like such a big boy getting off the bus in front of everyone who was there to greet him (to include me, Nathan (sleeping), Evan and my mom) he didnt complain once about the long trek home from the bus stop (its seriously more than 0.2 mile up hill). I think he is in awe that mommy is letting him ride the bus at all, it was a big decision.
He told me how excited he was to go back tomorrow, so, thats great!!!

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