Saturday, September 4, 2010


Despite our initial concerns about the flooring problems causing a delay in our move in date, we are happy to report that it looks like we will be able to move in next weekend as originally planned. I am so thrilled. This past week I did the drive to bring Justin to and from school and then the drive home so we could sleep at our "old" home. Lets just say Im not looking forward to doing the drive any more than I need to. Its far, its early, and everyone is cranky about it, to include mommy:)

The house is coming out fabulously!!! We got carpeting installed in our family room on Friday. It looks great. G and my dad have been working REALLY hard on the hardwood floors in the upstairs and they are nearly done! They look so beautiful. My mom and I (well mostly my mom since Ive been wrangling three kids) hung the shades and curtains in the boys rooms, and the living room. We have so much more room in our new home. Its just phenomenal. I didnt realize how cramped our quarters were! Im so excited if you couldnt already tell:) Pictures to come!

We have been slowly meeting our neighbors, everyone has been so friendly and nice and welcoming. We are so lucky to live in such a nice neighborhood. Surprisingly we have come to realize how many people we actually know in our area. In our neighborhood alone met two families that we already knew! One of the families is of a girl I grew up with and was friends with for many years of my early childhood! What a small world.

PS- The picture in the previous post was Justin in front of our NEW house. Even though we actually didnt have time to stop at our new house in the morning of his first day of school, because, well, like I said, its far and early. So, I staged the photo after he got out of school, and bribed him with a treat to take it.

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