Monday, September 6, 2010

Pictures of the House - Final Stages!

Picture 1 is of the living room. The carpet was installed on Friday. Mom hung the curtains for me (curtains courtesy of my friend Lauren who was redecorating - thank you!!!). The room has FIVE windows in it. Its so light and airy in there, I wanted to keep it light with sheer type curtains so these worked perfect! I adore this room. The fireplace isnt working currently. G and I would like to get a pellet stove or a wood burning stove for this space eventually, built right into the fireplace, for now its got some logs and Christmas lights that create the affect of fire, the kids think this is so cool.
Picture 2 is of the bathroom upstairs. Its so big compared to our current one! Love the new medicine cabinet we got and installed and the new shower curtain in rug done all in greys to match the tile and sink.
Pictures 3 and 4 are of the fourth bedroom which we are using as a playroom for the big boys until the playroom in the basement is done. The older boys will share a room - the rooms are alot bigger than our old house, which they were already sharing at, so it should be no issue. I love how the flooring came out, it looks so beautiful in person, it matches with the dark woodwork on the doors and windows so well.

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